

TechBreakfast – Philadelphia, PA


Heading off to the Philadelphia TechBreakfast, I was a little apprehensive. Pass the Plate has just released its first version into “Open Beta” and we were working out the kinks.

TechBreakfast is a show and tell, not a pitch, thus not having a product that worked caused concern. My fears were put to rest immediately when I arrived early to the presentation to speak to Rob from TechBreakfast.

“Oh you have ‘launch itus’. You know, it happens whenever you launch.  Everything works just fine on the test platform and then when you press the go button… things happen.”


Flashback…The flight from Greensboro, North Carolina had been uneventful, and I used Uber for the first time flawlessly.

My driver Cal gave me a good tour of the city as we drove to the hotel which was near Drexel University and walking distance to several great restaurants. I was able to track down a good Phily Steak & Cheese from the Varsity. The sandwich was good but the fries were too greasy to eat.  Overall a good experience.

In the morning of the Pass the Plate presentation at TechBreakfast, I was able to walk to the location at the Drexel University Paul Peck Alumni Center. We were in a historic building with amazing architecture.


The presentation went well to the 40 or so people in attendance. One person asked how we were going to work with foundations, and another asked about our go-to market strategy. Overall the feedback was positive and understanding of the issues we were having with our open beta version of the Pass the Plate application.

After the breakfast, I was able to meet with several people who offered valuable feedback. Since that time, I have appointments to follow up with two people from the breakfast.

For my trip home, I elected to take the train to the airport. I am not a big city person and do not get to ride a train often. I am fortunate to have visited this wonderful city several times and my stay in Philadelphia once again was a great experience.

– Graham Treakle